What is Dyslexia?
Dyslexia makes speaking difficult, stemming from a disruption in the brain’s ability to translate images or sound into understandable language. This eye condition does not entail an intellectual disorder, as dyslexia and IQ are not correlated.
Dyslexia can affect several functions, including:
- Visual: leading to challenges in reading and comprehending texts
- Auditory: resulting in difficulty interpreting and understanding sound
- Attentional: causing difficulty reading words in a sentence due to an excessive number of visible words and letters
The severity of each type can vary. Early recognition and treatment of all types enhance the likelihood of improving language skills.
Acknowledging one’s dyslexia can be a challenging process. However, finding solace in the shared experience with others can offer support. Many individuals, whether recently diagnosed or having lived with dyslexia for years, navigate similar circumstances.
What are the symptoms of Dyslexia?
The symptoms depend on the severity of the condition as well as the age of the person.
Up to 4 years:
- talk later
- slowly learning new words
- difficulty rhyming words, such as nursery rhymes
- limited knowledge of the alphabet
- reverse or mirror letters
In the first years of primary school:
- difficulty reading the alphabet and determining the order of the letters
- difficulty associating sounds and the letters they represent
- difficulty recognizing or naming rhyming words or counting the number of syllables in a word
- difficulty segmenting words into different sounds or blending sounds together to make words
In later years of primary school:
- reading slowly and sloppily (making many reading errors)
- bad spelling
- difficulty reading aloud, reading words out of order, or skipping words
- difficulty keeping track of time and realizing time when performing tasks
- difficulty with organizational skills
- tendency to add or skip letters or words while writing and reading
What can one expect from Dyslexia?
Treatment always starts with extensive testing to determine where the specific problems are. There is no one solution, but there are several treatments that can reduce symptoms. The severity of dyslexia, as well as the age at which it is discovered, influence the way in which the eye condition develops and the way in which a person learns to deal with it.
More information
Extensive information is available. This information is intended to inform you about the most important aspects of this eye condition and is not intended to replace the information you receive from your doctor or practitioner.
Useful Resources:
A list of products
Optelec Compact 10 HD Speech
Text to speech
Video Magnifiers