What is Strabismus?
Strabismus is an eye condition in which the eyes are misaligned and point in different directions. One eye can look straight ahead, while the other points in, out, up or down. The way the eye or eyes turn can always be the same or can be different each time. Which eye is straight and which eye turns away can also differ.
Strabismus is often caused by a disruption in the brain’s ability to coordinate eye movements. It can also be caused by weak eye muscles that cannot keep the eyes straight.
There are different types depending on the movements of the eyes and the age at which this eye condition was diagnosed. Most cases of Strabismus occurs in young children.
If a child’s eyes are not straight by the age of four months, it is recommended to have them checked by an ophthalmologist.
The realization that vision has been affected can be difficult to accept. Knowing that one is not alone may provide support. There are many people in the same situation, some who have just been diagnosed themselves and some who have been living with Strabismus for years.
If you experience poor vision as a result, there are aids available that can help with the tasks you have difficulty with. These aids can provide support with tasks that require vision and can help you continue to lead a full and independent life.

What are the symptoms?
The most obvious symptom is eyes not looking in the same direction at the same time. Other symptoms may include:
- eyes that don’t move at the same time
- squinting or closing the eyes in bright light
- turning the head to look at things
- bumping into things (strabismus affects the perception of depth)
- blurry sight
- tired eyes
- double vision
What can one expect from Strabismus?
This eye condition can be treated in its early stages. The overall consensus among eye specialists is that the sooner treatment is started, the better the chances of it working. If strabismus is not treated, reduced vision or irreversible damage to the eyes may occur. The treatment of strabismus may include glasses, covering plasters, medications, eye exercises, etc. Discuss the best option with the eye specialist.
More Information
Strabismus (eye squint) – Moorfields Eye Hospital
Learn more about Strabismus
Extensive information is available. This information is intended to inform you about the most important aspects of this eye condition and is not intended to replace the information one receives from the doctor or eye specialist.
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